What Is a Thyroid Cancer?
Thyroid Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in your thyroid. Your thyroid is often located inside the lower front of your neck and has the shape of a little butterfly. Your metabolism is controlled by this gland. Additionally, it releases hormones that control a variety of bodily processes, such as how you use energy, generate heat, and use oxygen.
Cells alter or mutate, which leads to cancer of the thyroid. Once there are enough abnormal cells in your thyroid, they start to grow and eventually develop into a tumour.
One of the most curable cancers is thyroid cancer if it is detected early.
Types of Thyroid Cancer
Four primary categories have been revealed by researchers:
- Thyroid Papillary Cancer- You most likely have this type if you have cancer of the thyroid. Up to 80% of all thyroid cases of cancer contain it. Although it often spreads to the lymph nodes in your neck, it usually grows slowly. You still stand a strong chance of making a full recovery.
- Follicular Cancer- Ten to fifteen percent of cancers are diagnosed with this cancer. In addition to spreading into your blood vessels more easily, it can also expand into your lymph nodes.
- Medullary Cancer 4% of cancer cases are reported to have this cancer. Due to the fact that it produces the hormone calcitonin, which doctors look for in blood test results, it is more likely to be discovered at an early stage.
- Anaplastic Cancer It is the most dangerous type of cancer, which spreads quickly to other body areas. It is the most uncommon and challenging to treat.
What Are the Symptoms Of Thyroid Cancer?
If you have this cancer, it’s likely that you weren’t aware of any early symptoms. That’s because the initial symptoms are quite mild.
However, as it develops, you can observe any of the following issues:
- Neck, throat pain
- Lump in your neck
- Difficulty swallowing
- Vocal changes, hoarseness
- Cough
Reason Behind Thyroid Cancer
Most of these types of cancer cases are not clearly caused. However, there are some factors that can increase your likelihood of contracting it.
- Genetic Disorders Inherited Cancer and other illnesses are caused by the DNA your parents pass on to you. For instance, 2 out of 10 cases of medullary thyroid carcinoma are brought on by an inherited faulty gene.
- Iodine shortage You can be more susceptible to developing certain types of cancer if you don’t get enough of this chemical element in your diet. Salt and some food contain enough amount of Iodine intake.
- Exposure to Radiation– If you received radiation treatment for your head or neck while you were a child.
Who Receives It?
Women than men are more likely to develop cancer of the thyroid. Men typically develop this type of cancer in their 60s or 70s, but women typically develop it in their 40s and 50s. White people and more women than men are affected by follicular cancer.
Even if you’re young, this cancer is still possible. For instance, papillary cancer of the thyroid most frequently affects persons between the ages of 30 and 50.
Can it be treated?
Even if your cancer is in a more advanced stage, it is typically quite treatable. This is so that you have the best chance possible for full recovery thanks to effective treatments with anti-cancer medicines. And when necessary, surgery may be able to treat it.
If cancer of the thyroid is found, your doctor will work with you to choose the most appropriate course of action. Both the advantages and the risks will be discussed.